Denise Osborne

Senior Lecturer of Portuguese Language


Denise M. Osborne is a lecturer in Portuguese in the Department of Romance Studies. She earned her Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), and her M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Teachers College Columbia University (New York, NY). Her main area of interest is second language acquisition, especially second language phonetics, both perception and production. She is also interested in investigating linguistic and non-linguistic factors that may affect the acquisition of and/or engagement in learning Portuguese as a foreign language, such as language attitude and ethnic identities.

Her website is:

Research Focus

  • L1 and L2 Portuguese phonetics (perception and production)
  • Second language acquisition, learning and teaching 
  • Portuguese as a heritage language
  • Perception of varieties of Brazilian Portuguese by L2 Portuguese learners
  • Learners of Portuguese in a naturalistic environment
  • Ethnic identities and their influence on motivational orientation in L2 Portuguese


Select Articles

Osborne, D. M. (2024). Integrating nonbinary language and trans knowledge practices in Romance language classes. In G. V. Silva & C. Soares (Eds.), Inclusiveness beyond the (non)binary in Romance languages. Research and classroom implementation (pp. 139–155). Routledge.

Osborne, D. M. (2023). Rumo a uma prática pedagógica mais inclusiva. In C. Toldo & P. Valério (Eds.), Língua e Literatura – Interseções: O (in)comum das diferenças (pp. 29–46). Pá de Palavra. Parábola Editorial.

Osborne, D. M., & Simonet, M. (2021). "Foreign-Language Phonetic Development Leads to First-Language Phonetic Drift: Plosive Consonants in Native Portuguese Speakers Learning English as a Foreign Language in Brazil." Language, 6(3). 

Osborne, D. M. (2021). "Perception of Portuguese Mid Vowels by Heritage Speakers of Brazilian Portuguese," Heritage Language Journal18(1), 1-32. doi:

Osborne, D. (2017). "Learning Portuguese Through the Art of Film." Portuguese Language Journal, 11, p. 40-54.

Osborne, D. M. (2016). "The Acquisition of Fine Phonetic Detail in a Foreign Language: Perception and Production of Stops in L2 English and L1 Portuguese." (dissertation. Advisor: Dr. Miquel Simonet)

Salbego, N., & Osborne, D. (2016). "Schema Activation Through Pre-Reading Activities: Teaching Proverbs in L2." Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal (BELT), 7(2), p. 175-188.

Osborne, D. (2015). "The L2 perception of initial English /h/ and /ɹ/ by Brazilian Portuguese learners of English." Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 1(2), 157-180.
Osborne, D. (2014). "Storyboard as a pre-activity for Brazilian Portuguese films." Portuguese Language Journal, 8.
Osborne, D. (2010). The realization of speech acts of refusals of an invitation among Brazilian friends.  Revista de Estudos da Linguagem (RELIN), Vol. 18, n. 2, p. 61-85.  
Osborne, D. (2010). The production of rhotic sounds by Brazilian speakers of English. Arizona Working Papers in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, V.17.
Osborne, D. (2008). Systematic differences in consonant sounds between the interlanguage phonology of a Brazilian learner of English and Standard American EnglishIlha do Desterro. A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies . 55, p. 111-132.

Book chapters

Osborne, D. (2016). Aplicação de Técnicas de Teatro no Ensino de PLE. In L. Gonçalves (Ed.), Fundamentos do Ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira (pp. 263-278). Rosevelt, N.J., U.S.: BoaVista Press.

Osborne, D. (2015). Proposta de Análise de Provas de Desempenho nas Aulas de PLE. In R. Silveira and I. Emmel (Eds.), Um Retrato do Português como Segunda Língua (pp. 183–211). Campinas, São Paulo: Pontes. 

PORT Courses - Fall 2024
