Policies and Information
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Integrity (Department Guidelines)
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Technology at Cornell
- Benefits Programs at Cornell (e.g., health Insurance, life insurance, retirement programs)
- Canceling Class
- Classrooms
- Department Information
- University Key & AV Equipment Contacts
- Courses: General Information
- Course Add/Drop
- Copyright
- Copying
- Course Roster
- Department Rooms (Klarman lounge, conference rooms, seminar rooms)
- Email (Outlook and calendar information)
- Events and News
- Faculty Information/Data.Arts (Application to Graduate, Advising, Faculty Center)
- Faculty Handbook (University)
- Faculty Administrative Assignments
- Keys and Access to Dept Lounge, Copy Room, and Conference Room
- Leaves for Faculty
- Academic Leaves Policy (e.g., sabbaticals, study leaves)
- Short Term Leaves of Absence from Teaching Duties (e.g., 1 day to 2 weeks during a teaching semester)
- List of Advising Deans
- Manuals
- Office Hours
- Parking
- Paychecks (including a link for viewing your Cornell paychecks)
- Policies (the University policy page)
- Poster Creation Request Form
- Promotions, Reviews, Terminations, and Layoffs (for both professorial and lecturer positions)
- Publishing Costs (for Professorial Faculty)
- Research Funds
- Professorial Faculty (info)
- Professorial Berkowitz Request form
- Lecturer Faculty
- Graduate Students
- Click here for information faculty can use to view their research accounts online
- Romance Studies Field Graduate Handbook
- Special Conditions ( road and bridge closings, winter weather advisories, listserv signup)
- Standards of Ethical Conduct (University Policy)
- Supplies and Materials
- Syllabi
- Transfer Credit and Credit for Summer Study
- Travel (Cornell travel portal with general information about travel)
- Travel Payment Options
- Visitor Information
- Web Updates Or Corrections: Department
- Who Does What?
- Workday (Cornell system for work information online)
Please contact Administrative Manager with ideas for additional policies or procedures to add to this page