Justine Ruyer

Graduate Student


Justine Ruyer is a second-year doctoral student in Romance Studies (French) at Cornell University. She completed three years of Hypokhâgne/Khâgne at the Lycée Carnot (Dijon, France) and earned her BA (i.e., licence) in English languages, literatures, and civilizations from the Université de Bourgogne. She received her first MA in English Studies, also from the Université de Bourgogne, and then obtained her second MA in French and Francophone studies at Miami University (Oxford, OH). Her second master’s thesis, "Voyeurisme et obsession : de la femme-objet et de sa réduction au silence dans La Jalousie d'Alain Robbe-Grillet et Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein de Marguerite Duras," focused on voyeurism, scopophilia, and the silencing of women in two cases of 20th c. French literature. Research interests include: French symbolism (e.g., Stéphane Mallarmé, Jules Laforgue, Comte de Lautréamont), the Nouveau Roman (e.g., Alain Robbe-Grillet, Marguerite Duras, George Pérec), psychoanalysis and literature, and gender/feminist studies (i.e., voyeurism and scopophilia). Before teaching French at Cornell, Justine taught high school English in France and beginner, intermediate, and advanced French at Miami University.

FREN Courses - Spring 2025
