Liliana Colanzi

Assistant Professor


Liliana Colanzi holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Cornell University. Her research focuses on popular genres in modern and contemporary Latin American literature (science fiction, horror, the fantastic); she teaches creative writing workshops as well. She has edited La desobediencia, antología de ensayo feminista (2019) and is the co-editor of the volume Latin American Speculative Fiction (Paradoxa, 2018, with Debra A. Castillo). She is co-editing the volume Horror and the Supernatural in Latin America, to be published in 2022 by Hispanic Issues. She is the publisher of the independent literary press Dum Dum editora in Bolivia. As a writer, she has published the short-story books Vacaciones permanentes (2010) and Nuestro mundo muerto (Our Dead World, Dalkey Archive Press, 2017). In 2022, her short story collection, Ustedes brillan en lo oscuro  was shortlisted for the Ribera del Duero prize for the best unpublished short story collection in Latin America and Spain. In 2015 she won the Aura Estrada literary award (Mexico). The Hay Festival Cartagena included her among the best Latin American writers under 40 (Bogota39, 2017). Nuestro mundo muerto has been translated into five languages.

Recent courses:
SPAN 3920 Women’s Writing in Brazil and Argentina
SPAN 4895 Cyborgs, Animals, and Monsters
SPAN 3170 Creative Writing in Spanish
SPAN 4855 Latin American Horror


Nuestro mundo muerto. Oaxaca: Almadía, 2016.
Vacaciones permanentes. La Paz: El Cuervo, 2010.

Edited book
La desobediencia. Antología de ensayo feminista. Santa Cruz: Dum Dum editora, 2019.

Edited volume
Latin American Speculative Fiction, Paradoxa, vol. 31. Coed. with Debra  A. Castillo. 2018.

Recent articles 
“Cyborgs in the Margins: Indigeneity in El cementerio de elefantes, by Miguel Esquirol.”  Posthumanizing the World: Speculative Aesthetics in Latin(x) American Science Fiction. Emily A. Maguire and Antonio Córdoba (eds.). London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2021 (forthcoming).

“Speculative Fiction.” Latin American Literature in Transition: Volume V (1980-2017). Mónica Szurmuk and Debra A. Castillo, Cambridge University Press, 2021 (forthcoming).

“Festín del horror: la comida siniestra en ‘Alta cocina’, de Amparo Dávila.” La obra fantástica de Amparo Dávila. Teresa López Pellisa and David Rosas (eds.) Brumal, Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico/ Research Journal on the Fantastic, Vol IX, n 1 (primavera/spring 2021), pp. 21-31.

“Cuerpos que desaparecen: mercado, tecnología y animalidad en Los cuerpos del verano, de Martín Felipe Castagnet”. Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXXVI, Núm. 270, January-March 2020, 143-158.

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