Klarman Fellow co-edits trilingual ‘Queer Latin American Voices’

Romina Wainberg, Klarman Fellow in Romance studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, is co-editor of the trilingual collected volume “Queer Latin American Voices” (Katakana, 2024), which contains brief texts and illustrations by Latin American LGBTQIA+ writers and artists, accompanied by responses by queer academics in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Translations and visual art pieces illuminate the written works.

In addition to co-editing the project, Wainberg contributed a response to “solidão americana,” a poem by Brazilian author Luciany Aparecida.

The book, which Wainberg co-edited with Alberto Quintero of Stanford University, brings together a diverse range of voices expressing different forms of queer being and becoming, “in the hope that this multimodal gathering will prompt further opportunities for visibility, circulation and collaboration,” the editors wrote.

Wainberg said the collection is an important contribution to Latin American studies because it makes LGBTQIA+ voices from the region accessible to an Anglophone and/or U.S.-based audience.

“As scholars, we can only write about what we know, yet especially for those of us in the U.S., it is difficult to keep up with what’s being written from Latin America in real time,” Wainberg said. “‘Queer Latin American Voices’ gathers texts in English, Spanish and Portuguese – some published or translated here for the first time – in the hope of helping overlooked LGBTQIA+ authors reach a broader audience within Global North academia and beyond.”

This volume ties into Wainberg’s broader research on LGBTQIA+ theory and literature in the Americas. “Its experimental and multilingual approach adds to my ongoing investigation into how contemporary Latin American literature and Queer art envision writing practices and technologies of the future,” she said.

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		Book cover: Queer Latin American Voices