Valentina Fulginiti

Senior Lecturer of Italian Language


A native of Bologna (Italy), Valentina Fulginiti is a Lecturer in Italian.  She holds a BA in Contemporary Literature and an MA in Italian Linguistics from the University of Bologna; she received her PhD in Italian Studies from the University of Toronto, where she taught introductory and advanced courses in Italian language. Her research interests include Italian linguistics and dialectology, second-language acquisition, translation, nineteenth-century Italian fiction and theatre.


  • “’Vi faccio vedere il Cristo sdegnato’: Per una tassonomia del discorso religioso in Liolà.” Forthcoming in Rivista di Studi Italiani, anno XXVII, nº2 (Aprile 2018).  [Peer-reviewed article]
  • “Degenerate Utopias: Two Dystopian Rewritings of Disneyland in Early Twenty-first Century Italian Fiction.” Science Fiction Studies (November 2017). [Peer-reviewed article]
  • “Resisting Leviathan: Depictions of Berlusconi in Italian narrative 2001-2011.” The Italianist 36.1 (February 2016): 1-22. [Peer-reviewed article]
  • “Passeggiate nella città proibita. Prostituzione, erotismo e trasgressione ne L’incendiario di Aldo Palazzeschi.” Carte Italiane 2:9 (2014). Web. [Peer-reviewed article]
  • “The Post-Apocalyptic Cookbook: Animality, Posthumanism and Meat in Laura Pugno and Wu Ming.” Deborah Amberson and Elena Past (Eds.), Animals and the Posthuman in Italian Literature and Film. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.  159-76 [Peer reviewed chapter]
  • “Inventare l’altro. Forme di pseudo-traduzione nella scrittura di Salvatore Di Giacomo e Luigi Capuana.” TiConTre. Teoria Testo Traduzione. 1 (2014): 141-60. [Peer reviewed article]
  • “L’altro ‘63: Eco e Calvino di fronte al popolare”. Capozzi, Rocco (Ed.) Eco e Calvino: Relazioni rizomatiche. Milano: Federico Motta, 2013, 251-84. [Article in Edited Volume; Non peer-reviewed]
  • “Il regno del quasi: icone cinesi nelle rappresentazioni partenopee contemporanee di Ermanno Rea e Roberto Saviano.” California Italian Studies 3:1 (2012). Web. [Peer-reviewed article]
  • Lands of Approximation: The Use of Chinese Icons in Roberto Saviano’s Gomorrah and Ermanno Rea’s La dismissione. Ardizzoni, Michela and Valerio Ferme (Eds.) Mediterranean Encounters. Frameworks of Mediation Between East and West, North and South. Lexington, KY: Lexington University Press of Kentucky, 2016. 133-158.  [Book chapter; English Translation of “Il regno del quasi”]

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